The conference
is English

& Smart Charging

Integration of new flexibilities
into the energy markets

2–3 April 2025
in Aachen,

Press release

Vehicle-to-grid, vehicle-to-home and smart charging – integrating new forms of flexibility into the energy markets

The Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) conference, taking place in Aachen on 2-3 April 2025, brings together international experts from science, industry and politics to discuss the future of electric mobility and its significance for the energy system. The focus is on intelligent bidirectional charging technology that enables electric vehicles not only to absorb electricity, but also to feed it back into the grid.

The intelligent integration of electric vehicles opens up completely new perspectives: electric vehicles become flexible energy storage devices and make a significant contribution to stabilising the power grid, especially when solar and wind energy are integrated. Smart charging makes sensible use of electricity that might otherwise have to be curtailed. V2G technology is considered a crucial building block for the decarbonisation of the energy sector and the successful implementation of the energy transition.

The conference includes high-level expert presentations, panel discussions and interactive workshops. Topics include the technical implementation of vehicle-to-grid technology, regulatory frameworks and economic incentives for its widespread introduction. Pilot projects and best practice examples will also be presented to show how V2G is already being successfully implemented today.

Focal points/innovations in 2025 include, in particular, the marketing of large vehicle fleets in the energy markets in the area of smart charging, the first bidirectional products, as well as the introduction of dynamic electricity prices and prosumer flexibility in general. The European companies presenting at the event will show which products and business models are already being successfully scaled up and what technological and regulatory challenges they are encountering.

The added value of attending the conference lies in particular in obtaining a comprehensive picture of the current and future state of uni- and bidirectional vehicle integration. In addition, the conference offers plenty of time for an exchange among the relevant stakeholders in this field and represents an industry get-together of European smart charging and V2G experts.

The conference is being organised by Haus der Technik, a leading network for promoting electric mobility and sustainable energy use. The aim is to network key players, share knowledge and develop concrete steps for establishing the technology. This is the third time the conference has been held. As in previous years, more than 150 participants are expected to attend.

The international Advanced Battery Power conference will also be held again at the same time as the symposium:

Press contact:
Bernd Hömberg
HDT ( Haus der Technik e.V.)
Phone +49 (0) 201 1803-249


Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Hömberg
+49 201 18 03-249

Haus der Technik (short HDT) has been established in 1927 rooted on an idea by Heinrich Reisner, an engineer working in the coal mining and steel milling area around Essen, Oberhausen, Bochum and Gelsenkirchen, later referred to as the „Ruhrgebiet“ (Ruhr Area).

The present HDT is a non-profit organization and as such it is still following the original track laid out a good 90 years ago: to distribute new scientific and technical insights and to establish working knowledge around present and upcoming technology across the various disciplines.

As of this year we are exploring even more channels to fulfill our mission, for we are offering a seamless interaction at personal face-to-face meetings as well as at our remote digital seminars and conferences. The platform independent digital campus offered through hdt/plus, is offering access on PCs, Macs, iOS and Android.

A vast group of more than 1000 hand-picked experts from all backgrounds and technical expertise offers a program that draws up to 15000 users every year in year out. Practical experience is being complemented by scientific excellence through our close collaboration with top universities and research institutes throughout the country and Europe.